Ranasthali is an upcoming Indian movie written and directed by Parasuram Srinivas, produced by Anupama Sureddi and co-produced by Lakshmi Jyothi Srinivas. It stars Ammu Abhirami, Karnatakapu Dharma, Chandni Rao, Prashanth Pandu, Sammeta Gandhi, Banerjee, Madhu mani, RRR Shakher, shiva Jami, Srinivas vetti , Ashok Sanga, Vijay Ragam, Tejaperi, Nagendra Medida, Roopa, Sathiwk in the film. Music for the film is composed by Kesava Kiran.
The plot revolves around a series of faction wars in a village where a young man decides to put wrongdoers in their place, even if it means using violence.
On Monday, September 19 the makers of the film released the Movies Official Teaser on their YouTube Channel named “Tips Telugu” and wrote, “AJ Productions and Sureddi Vishnu Presents, Latest Upcoming Telugu Movie “Ranasthali” Teaser, Written and Directed By Parasuram Srinivas, Produced By Anupama Sureddi”
Watch the Official Teaser below
Talking about the Teaser it begins with a chilling backstory of the village, complete with mythical undertones, and how a hero emerges from the crisis to restore order to the world. The film’s action sequences are slick, raw, and intense. There’s a lot of dialoguebaazi, great cinematography, and strong emotions – all the ingredients for an action junkie's dream.
‘Ammu Abhirami’ took to her Twitter account and by sharing the film’s Official Teaser she tweeted, “A battle between an angry warrior with fire kind vengeance and a leader of wolf army. #RanasthaliTeaser Out Now youtu.be/I2zeapDpQZw #KarnatakapuDharma, #Shivajami, @parasuramsrini1 @IamChandini_12 @tipsofficial @Wawa_Originals #AjProductions
Check her tweet here https://twitter.com/Ammu_Abhirami/status/1571875969824354310
‘Ammu Abhirami’ took to her Twitter account and she also shared a picture of her first look for the film and she tweeted, “Here is the first look as #Eswari from the movie ranasthali teaser from 19 -09-2022 #ranasthali #ranasthalimovie #parasuramsrinivas #ajproductions #movie #teaser #trending”
Check her tweet here https://twitter.com/Ammu_Abhirami/status/1571494613063708673
An action-packed teaser of the film was unveiled by Ammu Abhirami’s Narappa co-star Venkatesh at Ramanaidu Studio, Hyderabad earlier this week.
Venkatesh expressed his delight at the teaser’s release, saying,“The Ranasathali teaser is very impressive. Despite having a young team at his disposal, the young director Parasuram has done a commendable job. The violent backdrop in the village is shot well. The music, dialogues and production values look impressive too. I wish the team good luck ahead of the release”.
The film is expected to release on November 5, 2022.