Once Upon a Time in Bihar (2015)
This story is based on true events that occurred in the Buxar District of Bihar in the years 2003-2004. It revolves around Rajiv Kumar, an IAS aspirant; Sankar Pandey, a young, harassed graduate; Jeans, a dreamy, folk singer who believes his destiny awaits him in Mumbai; and the Mumbai-driven revolution against Bihari migrants led by political leaders. It depicts the three protagonists' struggle and how the horrors of their lives drive them to act against their true convictions and values. A film that aims to challenge your perceptions of the system and make you reconsider any political or social action you've taken.
Runtime: 122 mins
Release Date: 30th October 2015
Genres: Drama, Thriller
Director: Nitin Chandra
Producer: Neetu Chandra, Nitin Chandra, Samir Kumar